Friday, December 27, 2019
Zdenek P. Bažant, 2017 ASME Medal
Zdenek P. Baant, 2017 ASME Medal Zdenek P. Baant, 2017 ASME Medal Zdenek P. Baant, 2017 ASME MedalThe ASME Medal was established in 1920 and is awarded for eminently distinguished engineering achievement.Zdenek P. Baant, Ph.D., S.E., the 2017 recipient, is McCormick Institute professor and W.P. Murphy professor of civil and mechanical engineering, and materials science at Northwestern University. He is honored for developing a statistical theory of the strength and lifetime of quasibrittle structures of random material properties, verifying it with experimental evidence and demonstrating its relevance to structural safety and for formulating a kinetic energy release theory for material comminution into particles of random sizes under extreme strain rates.Dr. Baant is a world leader in the mechanics of materials and structures. His studies on quasibrittle fracture, damage and creep, size effects and scaling, structural stability, finite strain and failure probability have led to the d evelopment of computational models to assess the safety of structures such as bridges, dams, buildings, aircraft, cars, ships and nuclear containments.Dr. Baants seven books and numerous journals articles have received approximately 58,000 citations his h-index is 115 and i10-index is 567 (Google Scholar, July 2017).An ASME Fellow, Dr. Baant has also received these Society awards the Worcester Reed Warner Medal in 1997, the Nadai Medal in 2008, the Timoshenko Medal in 2009 and Honorary Membership in 2012.Dr. Baant is a member of numerous academies and societies, including the Royal Society of London. Among his extensive list of honors is the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art, First Class in 2016.Educated in Prague, Dr. Baant received his civil engineering degree from Czech Technical University (CTU), his Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, a postgraduate diploma in theoretical physics from Charles University and docent habilitatis in c oncrete structures from CTU. He holds seven honorary doctorates.Video profile produced and written by Roger Torda, ASME Public Information. The copyright of this program is owned by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Air Force Basic Training Haircuts
Air Force Basic Training HaircutsAir Force Basic Training HaircutsMen who enter Air Force Basic Military Training (AFBMT) will meet their first on-base civilian within the first day or two after arrival at Lackland Air Force Base the barber. While there are specific guidelines for womens hair length, female recruits dont have all their hair shorn off (the men dont either, but its pretty close). And the Air Force is one of the branches of the U.S. military whose hair requirements are considered somewhat lenient, once youre out of basic training. Male Airmen and Haircut Requirements For males in the Air Force, hair must be neat and clean in appearance. Hair cannot touch the eyebrows, ears, or the collar and the hair closest to those areas much be tapered.You can block the hair at the neckline. However, it should still have a tapered appearance.Obviously, when wearing military headgear, the length and bulk of the hair must not interfere with properly wearing the cover. Female Air men and Haircuts Women entering Air Force basic training, on the other hand, are not required to cut their hair cut if it meets grooming requirements. However, while in uniform- which is 90 percent of the time in basic training- you must wear your hair in such a manner that it does not protrude past the bottom of the collar. You can braid your hair and/or put it in a bun, but at no point can the bulk of your hair, including that in a bun, exceed three inches. The Air Force relaxed its requirements for hairstyles for women in 2014. Today, female airmen may wear their hair in Dutch braids, French twists, and two-strand twists. The change accommodates women of color with traditional hairstyles that do not affect the image of professionalism the Air Force requires airmen to present. Dreadlocks, however, are still prohibited. Any pins or barrettes you wear must be approximately the same approximate color as your hair and not interfere with any hats or other headgear you have to wear as part of your uniform. Bangs cannot touch your eyebrows, and like barrettes and other accessories, your hair cannot interfere with the proper wear of military headgear. How Often Do Men in the Air Force Get Haircuts? After the first haircut, men receive a haircut once every other week while in Air Force basic training to keep them looking neat, clean, and well-groomed. Do Some Branches of the Military AllowLonger Hair? During boot camp or basic training, the haircut standards are near identical for all branches of tafelgeschirr Cut it all off for the men and short cropped haircuts for women.All branches of the military are fairly similar in regulations of haircuts after basic training. However, tradition tends to outweigh the regulations. In the military, the Air Force and the Navy are typically known to have more relaxed haircut policies once men are out of basic training/boot camp. The Marine Corps and the Army tend to have higher and tighter haircuts for men than the other services, which are kept throughout a Marine or soldiers tour of duty.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Mechanical Engineer Salaries Rise
Mechanical Engineer Salaries Rise Mechanical Engineer Salaries Rise Mechanical Engineer Salaries RiseIt is still a pretty good time to be a mechanical engineer. For 2017, the zentralwert total primary compensation for MEs including salary, bonuses, commissions and self-employment income was $124,650. That was slightly higher than the previous survey showing total zentralwert compensation in 2016 at $124,000.Women also are making mora money, averaging $113,000, compared to $103,000 the previous year. While the increase is notable, it also reflects the chronic gender gap between male and female income.Those are the results of ASMEs 2018 Salary and Benefits Report, which show overall cousine salaries for mechanical engineers rising between 3.0 percent and 5 percent per year from 2014-2017.White, non-Hispanics earned the highest median income of $125,000. Experience and location also matter. Mechanical engineers with less than two years of experience earned a median primary income of $72 ,400. Add twenty years of experience and the number jumps to $146,350. Find Out What Youre Worth With ASMEs Salary CalculatorHighest and lowest median income of mechanical engineers by field of academic training (A), and by metropolitan areas (B). Source ASMEs 2018 Salary and Benefits ReportThe highest median primary incomes were reported in the New England and Pacific divisions, at $139,000 and $139,480, respectively. Conversely, those in the East North Central region reported the lowest median income of $113,000 or less.The results were derived from a survey of 822 U.S.-based ASME members. Retired or part-time engineers, students and unemployed were removed for a final response of 626 members. The typical respondent is a male in his late forties with a bachelors or advanced degree, employed in an engineering position for just over 20 years. He is at the senior level of engineering or professional responsibility and supervises others, both technical professionals and support staff. The results differ from those compiled by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which measures median annual wages for all levels of mechanical engineers. BLS reports a median annual wage of $85,880 in May 2017. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $55,310 and the highest 10 percent earned more than $133,900, according to BLS.The ASME survey notes income variation by field of academic training. MEs with nuclear and civil academic training earned the highest median income at $152,227 and $150,000 respectively. Those earning the least have industrial and manufacturing backgrounds with $103,000 and $103,500 incomes. Also, those working in the petroleum, chemical and aerospace industries earned the most while those working in the automotive industry earned the least. Those with a professional engineers license also earn more, $130,940 compared to $120,000 for those without a license.Listen to ASME TechCast How Engineers Close Communication Gaps with Non-engineersThe gender gap continue s to exist as 93 percent of the ASME respondents are male, earning a median income of $125,000. Women averaged $113,000 in compensation. The survey explains some of the difference is because of experience. Male respondents have been employed longer in an engineering-related position.Still, a year makes a difference. Women reported a higher income in 2017 than in the previous survey where they earned $103,500. Results from both surveys reflect ASMEs overwhelming male membership Only 6 percent are female. The wage gap also extends to ethnicity. Hispanic and African-American respondents earned $106,000, compared to the $125,000 earned by white non-Hispanics.Those who are self-employed reported a median consulting rate of $150 per hour, with more than half averaging 30 or more billable hours per week. They also reported median consulting compensation of $160,000.Breaking the numbers down by metropolitan areas, MEs reporting the highest primary median income came from the East and West C oasts. Los Angeles and Oakland, Calif., have incomes of $195,500 and $170,000, respectively. In Boston, the median income is $151,000 and in New Orleans, $172,500. New York City MEs have a median income of $118,800.On the lower end, Cleveland, Ohio, MEs earn $92,650, and $98,250 in Philadelphia. That is slightly more than $98,000 MEs earn in Boulder, Colo.Taking it by state, MEs in New Mexico, California and Louisiana earned the highest incomes. Those from New Hampshire, Arizona and Maine reported the lowest.Comparing across disciplines, the American Civil Engineering Societys 2018 salary survey shows a median annual income of $106,500 for civil engineers. That pre-tax income jumped from $101,000 in the previous year. The median base salary for civil engineers increased from $88,000 in 2014 to $104,000 in the present survey. ASCE surveyed 6,385 members to compile its survey.ASCE also found the pay gap widening for women and minority engineers. It reported a median salary for women o f $86,463 compared to males earning $108,000. Hispanic and African-American respondents earned median incomes of $91,874 and $87,500, respectively, according to ASCE.ASMEs survey is designed to be interactive with individual engineers and is available online. Results are entered into two distinct interactive salary calculators. The Regresssion Salary Calculator uses regression analysis, allowing an individual to calculate results for thousands of possible employment situations. The Searchable Survey Data Tool allows the user to create customized aggregations of survey results. The calculators enable mechanical engineers to compute their salary based on very specific, individual circumstances, location, experience, licensing and other items. The survey will be repeated annually to update the calculators with the most current data.Read More Introducing the Worlds Most Powerful Tidal Turbine Racism Runs Deep, Even Against Robots AI Camera Improves Sight in Autonomous Vehicles For Furth er Discussion
Friday, December 13, 2019
Why you should hit pause more often
Why you should hit pause more oftenWhy you should hit pause more oftenIn early August, Boomerang, the email scheduling tool that affords users a modicum of control over an overcrowded and frequently overwhelming inbox, launched a new feature called Inbox Pause. The new feature allows users to pause (and unpause) your inbox at any time, temporarily hiding incoming messages from appearing in your inbox and preventing notifications.The theory behind the new launch, seems to piggyback off the notion that checking your email less often can both reduce stress and increase productivity. Pretty tempting in theory, right? In practice though, Im wondering about the reactions to receiving an autoresponder midday (or mid-creative streak) letting others know youll be out of touch for a while. It could end up creating a vortex of additional needless emails which could cause inbox chaos for someone else.A short pauseMost of us could probably use some more pauses in our own livesand they dont have t o be long ones.The premise is that the only way to pause is to take long breaks, I dont think thats the case says Rachael OMeara a sales executive at Google and author of Pause Harnessing the Life-Changing Power of Giving Yourself a Break.OMeara told Ladders that she defines a pause as any intentional shift in behavior not based on time, resources or activity. Its what works for you. And taking a pause isnt only for those who are independently wealthy I think its a myth or a misnomer, that you need money to take a break, OMeara adds. Who says you cant dedicate a weekend, or even abflug taking time on weeknights from 7 until 8 and do some journaling. Its about intention and dedicating and committing to what you want. Or at least the notion of facing what might not be working and figuring out what you might want next.Forced breaksOMeara identifies several signs that might inspire your pause. Maybe you used to love your job but now you loathe it. Maybe its worse than that and your boss is the one to tell you that things just arent working out. OMeara defines these as forced pauses.A layoff or unexpected leave can provide a potential opportunity for you to really think, even if it doesnt seem like it at the time. OMeara suggests that in those cases, its important to Reframe and decide what works for you. Maybe that job was the perfect job, but maybe its time to take your career and shift- renew and refreshits all about what works for you.A high-profile vokalzusammenstoIn case youre feeling overwhelmed by the social media vortex of thumb type and madly scroll, youre not alone. Even the queen of overexposure, Kim Kardashian West, took a three-month social media hiatus after being robbed at gunpoint in Paris late last year.She was essentially stalked, says OMeara, who says on some level, I love that story. It probably all became too much for her and maybe she was thinking to herself Youre burning out on that thing. Even if digital media is your job, you need to take a break sometimes. If you think its not possible to take a digital break, OMeara says that most actors or Hollywood stars are pausing all the time, in between movies or gigs, or by literally deciding not to work.In case youd like to hit pause on your own career or social presence, OMeara offers some tips.Own your pauseIts okay to make an announcement and be somewhat vulnerable. Let people know youre in between jobs or taking a few months off. OMeara believes that while you run the risk of being judged, by setting up your communication plan youre potentially opening many doors for people to both share their own stories or potentially find ways to connect or reconnect with you.Dont wait until youre burnt outOMeara says that there are always lots of signs indicating that youre deep crispy fried. She says that when youre in a rutyou might not be aligned with your strengths which could lead to a vicious cycle of dissatisfaction fueled by burn out.If youre not ready for a break or even a pause, ask people who know you what they think is going on with you and theyll give you valuable feedback, OMeara explains. Id take it a step further and suggest only asking people who have your best interests at heart.Try it out Taking a pause doesnt mean committing to anything other than taking some time to reconnect with things that are greater than you. Scandals Joshua Malina is very vocal on Twitter but takes time off from social media on a weekly basis to celebrate the Jewish sabbath with his family. A simple message of Shabbat Shalom lets others know hes off social for a while. Try taking your own tech sabbath for even a few hours every weekendyoud be amazed at what a palate cleanser it can be.The idea of a pause is more about breaking patterns and habits that no longer work so we can emerge and reach our potential. OMeara says at the very least, try to keep checking in with yourself. If youre constantly angry or dissatisfied, try to stay non-judgmental and see what is happen ing, what is not working? What could be different? What can be tweaked?Because most of us feel always on, its important to allow ourselves to hit pause whenever possible. Were always on. Were on autopilot and its important to take breaks to be more conscious in everything, says OMeara. Taking that break allows us to find ways to take care of ourselves or as OMeara puts it Pausing is in service to the doing, be more satisfied, live a fuller life.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
The Biggest Myth About Professional Resume Writing Exposed
The Biggest Myth About Professional Resume Writing Exposed Professional Resume Writing - Dead or Alive? There really isnt any substitute for taking advantage of expert experience. However much or what kind of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine. In all likelihood, youll get caught, because it is going to be obvious you do not understand how to competently do your work properly. Theres a whole lot of work ahead of you, but its possible to do it. The Fight Against Professional Resume Writing It is possible to come across quantifiable effects in just about any profession. You must promote your executive candidacy beyond qualifications if you would like to conduct a highly prosperous executive job search campaign. Transportation jobs involve a lot of responsibility and your resume will want to reflect you can take care of that. Resumes may be used for a number of reasons, but most often theyre utilized to secure ne w employment. Professional Resume Writing Features Whats more, if youre discovered later, you could be terminated. Resume writing fees vary greatly and it can be inviting to look for the most affordable option. Youre then matched with a writer that is most suitable for your career profile. If youre able to partner with a local job fair, you could possibly be in a position to have a whole booth that provides free resume critiques. With other resume services and career sites which simply accept resume writers and allow them to write in whatever style they wish, you can receive a good writer or maybe you wind up getting one weve rejected. The few candidates that are actually awarded personal job interviews are selected on the grounds of the grade of the overview of talents that they present. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Professional Resume Writing Possessing a crystal clear and professional resume is critical in the medical field. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously offer you an advantage. Nobody has all of the answers as soon as it comes to positioning oneself for the most rewarding career. The reply is it is dependent upon where youre in your career and the position youre targeting. The very first impression with the site isnt positive. Analyze job ads You will see a good deal of useful info on job ads. The business becomes good scores on a couple of websites, but nonetheless, it mostly gets complaints by real users. For starters, even though it has done a great job in creating the website design and content, there is a serious lack of service options on it. The Upside to Professional Resume Writing In terms of technical jargon, do not presume that the employer will understand what you are speaking about. If youre attempting to acquire work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. Make certain you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Accounting and finance managers are go ing to want to see your technical understanding. Every day an increasing number of people become cheated by writing companies which provide low-quality services. Others are unsure just what to write or the way to express what they would like to say in a concise, professional way. In any event, youll receive exactly the saatkorn personalized company, and have a resume prepared which meets all your exacting needs. If you dont need to compose your resume yourself and you need help from a genuine individual, you may use a resume writing service. Our professional resume writing service does everything to supply you with premium high quality solutions. Marc Grandmaison Operations Director Marc is a very experienced, skilled, and talented hospitality professional that has been in the business for over 20 decades. Additionally, the team offers professional interview advice. Our team is devoted to providing only the maximum superior support You may find advice on the fundamentals and the way to begin in addition to strategies for developing a polished and professional resume. There are two or three routes you may take with resume writing. There are plenty of different writers using a different approach. Because a superior writer will often devote a couple of hours writing or editing a resume. Without a erkennbar target, an expert writer cant cause you to shine. A Certified Professional Resume Writer is there to assist you with your resume just as you would find a mechanic to repair your vehicle. Managers and recruiters will scan your resume for about ten seconds to see whether youre a very good fit for the job. Professional and well-structured CVs are vital for your job application. The cover letter on the opposite hand, was terrific. For instance, the summary section ought to be written in the very first person. After you get a last paper, request a free revision if its lacking something. Know the purpose of your resume Some individuals write a resume as though the aim of the document was supposed to land work.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Life Balance
To Recruit and Retain Top Talent, Focus on Work/Life Balance With a million jobs added since January, the American job market currently belongs to the buyers.Candidates have mora options to choose from, which means your company must offer roles that appeal to both their financial and emotional needs if it wants to win over top talentFree lunches and401(k) matchingare no longer enough to attract the best talent. In fact, research indicatesthat, above all else, high-quality candidateswant to work for companies that both align with who they are and provide personally relevant development opportunities.If your organization wants to stand out in an increasingly competitive job market, here are some perks you should consider offering1. Rolling Stones Gather No Moss and Produce Better WorkNo matter how great your workplace may be, people want the freedom to work from wherever they want. Thanks to technological advances, people can do more than work from hom e they can work from any country in the world. We call behauptung people digital nomads those who utilize telecommunications tech to work from virtually anywhere. With just a modem and a passport, these talented folks can see the world while maintaining a steady income.As the concept of digital nomadism becomes more popular, new products and services aimed at simplifying this practice are popping up.Nomad House, for instance, is a housing network that offers safe and comfortable co-living spaces that facilitate the remote work lifestyle. Similarly,YouRoamgives users the ability to place calls using WiFi or 3G, making it possible for nomadic workers to stay connected to their teams wherever they are without incurringmassive bills.2. A Little Bit of Freedom Goes a Long WayIf you would prefer your team members stay closer to home, it might be time to evaluate how you structure their hours. Thanks to 24/7 connectivity, the 9-5 workday has become a bit antiquated for many.Our organizati on helps facilitate a better work/life balance by scheduling our workdays around core hours. These are set hours during which all team members must be on site to attend daily meetings, contribute to group projects, and participate in essential activities. Beyond these hours, however, team members are free to structure the rest of their workday as they see fit. This gives them a great deal of freedom to accommodate their personal needs and responsibilities outside of work.Our core-hours scheduling has become especially popular with the parents we employ, who find this professional independence incredibly beneficial. It has also proven to be an excellent recruiting tool that allows us to attract the best talent in our industry.3. Keep People Engaged by Keeping Things FreshNo matter how much your workers may love their jobs, the monotony of their day-to-day tasks can always eat away at their enthusiasm. To combat the tediousness of regular responsibilities, some organizations now encou rage their teams to switch things up every once in a while.For example, you could allowsomeone on your sales team to work with marketing for a week, or perhaps someone in HR would like to try their hand at operations.The benefits of such arrangements are threefold. First, they ensure that nobody gets bored. Boredom can lead to higher levels of turnover, which is damaging to productivity and a companys bottom line.Second, these arrangements allow you to capitalize on talents yourteam members dont get to exercise in their regular roles.Sometimes, an outsiders perspective can lead to suggestions that will enhance productivity.Finally, these arrangements afford each team member a better understanding of what other departments do. Ultimately, thisleads to a better understanding of how each part of the organization works together for business success.Mike Williams is CEO of RingPartner.
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